normal subgroup
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Four property theorems of normal subgroup
The Normal Subgroup of Symplectic Groups over a Class of Commutative Rings
The Upper and Lower Approximations Based on a Fuzzy Normal Subgroup
A General Discussion of the Relationship between Congruence and Normal Subgroup
Dynamic Fuzzy Normal Subgroup
The concept of the induced quotient set determined by an intuitionistic fussy group on its normal subgroup was introduced .
The proposition 3 and examples indicated the differences and relations between the normal subgroup on a group G and a Fuzzy group .
For certain finite group with a perfect normal subgroup , this paper discusses the problem of its augmentation ideals and quotient groups .
In this paper , we study the condition which makes the fundamental group of graph have every positive integer as the index of some normal subgroup .
Fuzzy Subgroup and Quasi-Fuzzy Normal Subgroup
The T_D-disturbing-valued Fuzzy Normal Subgroup
This paper deals with finite determination of equivariant bifurcation problems with multiparameter under the normal subgroup D r (Γ) of the equivalent group D (Γ) .
The sufficient condition for finite group to be supersolvable and nilpotent is presented in the paper , by using the effect of S_ semi normal subgroup on finite group structure
Starting from the definition of almost normal subgroup , the author gives some interesting results about almost normal subgroups and the sufficient conditions for a finite group to be solvable .
Furthermore , when the normal subgroup is the idendity group , the basis of the first space is just as the set of irreducible Brauer characters .
This article proves that in the homomorphism of G onto ■, the inverse image of a maximal normal subgroup in ■ is also a maximal normal subgroup in G.
In this paper , based on the relation between normal subgroup and congruence , another depiction of normal series power semigroup is given from the angles of congruence by the method of analogy .
By using algebra of fixed point class to determine the component factors and properties of normal subgroup H of the fundamental group of the covering space , the paper studies the relation of fixed point class with fixed point class H.
When all sylow subgroups about G is m-normal subgroups , there is not any sylow subgroups which is normal subgroup , G is not a solvable group .
In combination of the concepts of semi normal subgroup and C normal subgroup , it is proved that G is supersolvable if the maximal subgroup of each Sylow subgroup of G is semi normal or C normal in G.
Let F be a saturated formation containing U.Suppose that G is group with a solvable normal subgroup N such that G / N ∈ F. If every maximal subgroup of Sylow subgroups of N is completely c-permutable in G , then G ∈ F.
This paper introduces the relationship between equivalence relation and subgroup , and from this equivalence law between congruence and normal subgroup can be deduced , The aim of this paper is to get a deeper understanding of equivalence relation , congruence , subgroup , normal subgroup and quotient group .
A Note of Normal Fuzzy Subgroup on Fuzzy Group
This paper studies the structure of normal cyclic subgroup of a finite direct prod-uct .
Compared with control subjects about volumeter indices , patients in normal LVMI subgroup had significantly increased left ventricular volume , but there was no difference between control group and left ventricular hypertrophy subgroup .
The author discusses the commutator subgroup P ′ of the normal Sylow subgroup P of a minimal non-nilpotent group and determine a set of generate elements of the commutator subgroup P ′ .
Cartain Conclusion of the Normal Index of subgroup of a Finite Group
By using the concept of almost normal about maximal subgroup , some sufficient and necessary conditions for a finite group to be solvable are obtained .
The equivalent definition of α - fuzz y subgroup and definition of normal α - fuzzy subgroup are also given ,α - fuzzy factor group and homomorphic image properties are studied .
Group G is called a π - closed-Sylow-tower group if there exists a normal Hall π - subgroup in G , which is a Sylow-tower group .